
Stay in touch

I have not made a Kinja account

I want the knife, pleeeeeease

I want the knife, pleeeeeease

Hows everybody's day going so far???????

Hows everybody's day going so far???????

Comic Book Thread
Any recommendations?
What are you reading?
What are you buying this week?

Comic Book Thread
Any recommendations?
What are you reading?
What are you buying this week?

Comic Book Thread
Any recommendations?
What are you reading?
What are you buying this week?

You cant stop progress or updates.
I hope Kinja fails

You cant stop progress or updates.
I hope Kinja fails

You cant stop progress or updates.
I hope Kinja fails

id buy that for a dollar!

id buy that for a dollar!

id buy that for a dollar!

Still standing!

Still standing!

Still standing!

But then the dog has that foot …..dun dun dun