Does anyone know how hard you’d have to get hit with a tennis ball and be like actually hurt ... ? Like I’m thinking about 100 ....
Does anyone know how hard you’d have to get hit with a tennis ball and be like actually hurt ... ? Like I’m thinking about 100 ....
At least he is upfront about his intention to be on opiods when he goes to the conference. I hate a sneaky doper.
Yeah make sure you get the asbestos solo cups, because I’d really rather have my kid with a little sparkler brand than a kid with melted plastic engulfing their mitt.
Someone tell me it wouldnt be hard to get that adafruit thermal printer setup running ... I just want it to sit there and spit out tweets and stuff .... never really built a whole computer, but I can follow directions and such.
It seems like at some point this will be like an early case of some sort of social media derangement.
It’s SICK !
black and yellow with a red hat .... some sort of hellish fast food uniform ....
No it is soup just like cheerios and milk.
HD is sponsoring world cup of surfing or some such this year ...
Sober Living Houses/Rehabs are a HUGE OL’ SCAM for the most part down here in FLAUSA
so many disconnects ... I really wanna play online .... sad ps4 man is me
What’s up with the smoking poo though?
As a Floridian, born and raised, I will look forward to outflux of most Floridians.
Obvs a speculation but if parent are out west and afflicted kid is in fl....
This sort of hits me like when the thinking man did the dab on the jeopardy intro.
If they can’t jockey for position why don’t they just run in individual lanes?
At like 100mph with that much downforce , I just picture it plowing into the ground- land submarine, looney toons type deal and making a beeline for the finish.
I would have to say that these are real over complicated for what they do really, like the tough offroader set wants to climb up on that thuleyboy and start strapping, or mount a yak up on that yakima and look manly doing it like.
There is a trained one of these at the Miami Seaquarium in their bird show, and yeah, I think I’d rather try and fight off a big dog honestly... Or it could have been Jungle Island .... I go to a lot of field trips they blur