
I think it bears mentioning that Jupiter is actually a place down here in Florida, named for a stop on an old railroad line that was space themed... so yeah.

Later Gator...

I can’t wait to kick people off of cliffs... I was getting tired of having to use my shield/head...

Whoa, I bet that is expensive as all get out when it goes bad ...

I almost wish ours had been censored... would be a fun reason for a replay!

Huzzah, a ice cube?> unneeded.

that “teared down” though..


Because the old Post estate is on a barrier island, and we don’t really have mud or mountains on the coast down here in FL.

For everyone that is bummed about this, reread the headline... it is just an old ferd...

I’m with you there, trying to get at it to no avail!

“hi smother” ... wild read, the world is crazy.

Sweet Jesus, what if this means that they were the only ones taken in the Rapture ..!?

With a good blacklight in the wheel wells you could have tires that were always glowing at night, with some UV additive of course.

This also is a thing at IBEW picnics (and I imagine other union meetups), American cars up front, everything else down the road.


The way they are standing by the cars makes them look like they’ve been chopped in half; a dimidiation situation.

the ninja250 is the miata of the moto world.

Also calls to mind Zero skateboards’ stuff ...

I would really like a supercut with all boring FWD(Wrong wheel drive?) understeer cut out...