
While Creepshow was a major studio production, it wasn’t made “out West” but rather in Pittsburgh and its suburbs. I was a student at Carnegie Mellon at the time and remember them filming scenes for “The Crate” on campus. Barely satisfying my then youthful wish fulfillment, I got a glimpse of the lovely Adrienne

Don't forget he also starred in Makin' It the sitcom - the only TV show ever to be set in Passaic, NJ

IIRC, NBC gave its premiere episode the post-Super Bowl slot but it didn't get a bump from it.

Don't blame us East coasters for Reagan National - the name was foisted on us by Congress.

Was it my imagination or did the camera linger a few extra beats on the ad for Lenny's when Kim was going through the handyman listings in the Yellow Pages? Perhaps a sly wink to Michael McKean's first big TV role?

Does anyone remember PDQ which was Ovaltine's non-malted cousin (albeit in bead, not powder, form)? We frequently had a jar of their strawberry flavor around when I was a kid.

Fox's U-bet is da bomb.

Technically, Jesus would break matzoh, not bread, since the Last Supper was a Passover meal.

Totie Fields?

Not sure since according to The NY Times, he debated William F. Buckley on the Vietnam War and wrote a doctoral dissertation on the House Un-American Activities Committee. So, at the very least, he wasn't so right wing at some point. http://www.nytimes.com/2016…

The shot of Kal carrying Kara on the bridge after she's knocked out by Metallo is a nice homage to the classic cover of Crisis #7.

I didn't realize Koch's was so obscure (but don't they do that Philly-style thin sliced tightly packed pastrami thing that's anathema to this native of North Jersey). But +1 for The Kibitz Room which does it well.

It's DC, not D.C. - any fanboy knows that.

No periods in DC - any comics fan worth his salt knows that.

As an old-school DC reader ("Make Mine DC!"), I'm just happy to see that Rebirth has restored the original numbering on the seminal Action Comics.

Dodger Stadium is a perfectly fine name, no need to rename it.

Does she still have the power to take out villains with "hard water" balls?

Curling - that can't possibly be real.