

When Henry grew up and blew up to 400 pounds, he hacked the DNC and wore a red MAGA hat.

This show, this f*cking show.

The code is still in Samaritans server farm to re-classify the Machine's minions.

Samaritan labeled him "Obstructor" when he was bitching about the FBI not sharing results.
Death Sentence.
Samaritan is also is giving the Hairy Eyeball to Fusco……….

Well, Arizona only has one leg to stand on.
Too soon?

Perd just hit the trifecta Newscasting on Supergirl -CBS, ABC and of course, NBC. Can he get on FOX?

Was that the first time Grey's had an Oceanic airlines poster in it? Grey's is in the Lost Universe!

That is all.

L'Eggs may have been a fad, but Topaz will never beat P'Eggs the pantyhose for ladies with stumps. Classic National Lampoon ad.

"I must warn you. I'm very hard to please."

Two toaster references on Mad Men premiere.
Zero toaster references on Archer season finale.
Quality television FTW.

It was very good!

To me, Marsha becoming his willing asset was a "Whoa, I didn't see that coming" moment, but the convo with the old lady topped it and was a seismic gut punch..

Seth Bullock.
But I rather admire Doc Cochran and Ellsworth for their specific flavors of fortitude and manliness, and probably Charlie Utter too.

Natty Light is the light beer version of National Bohemian out of Balmer affectionately known as Natty Boh.

Manservant or Rent Boy?