There is nothing adequate about this story or the way it was written. This was fantastic. +1
There is nothing adequate about this story or the way it was written. This was fantastic. +1
Amazing how lives entwine so closely and then just go separate ways, usually forever. This made me think of letters I have saved from old girlfriends, friends and acquaintances that were sort of pen pals (Jesus, I am OLD) for a time. Thank you for this story and the manner in which you told it. What a great read.
Is it possible to say something about one trans person without it equating to saying it about all trans people?
Having respect for transgender people and also believing Kaitlin Jenner may be a phony are not mutually exclusive points of view.
I don’t know that I would call Mr. WildNights a “pornhead”, but he does watch it/look at it sometimes. I’m not sure that it has had any real effect on my pleasure either way. There have been things that he expressed an interest in trying that porn actresses respond to as though they’re the most wonderful things in the…