

In former Soviet Russia, rusty blog post bores you!

There, there... You've got a little Hume in your Tandy... A quick blast of WD40, and you'll be as right as rain....

thank you, now I will poke you with a heart click!

Yeah, whatevs, I got Ass Kuch beat by at least two+ feet, and I gotta point out, not only is my backlot-honeypot, err harbour ho-boat, a grower, unlike AK's dinghy, it's a SHOW-ER!

Well put, and probably the most cogent and thoughtful response here...

Yeah, but can you ball it up and stuff it in the bottom of the hamper?

This jerks on so many levels...

Congratulations, you're an idiot!

Do tell!

Fuck this Carmageddon dross, LA a has officially become Carmatopia! This phenomena must be studied and then replicated every week till the end of time. This pretty much sums up the content of my weekend:

Now that jalopy's suspension of disbelief, was it coil-over, or are we talking leaf-spring here?

The bells toll for me...

and a weak one at that...

I could watch my Chihuahua, Ginger, scoot around like that all day, kills me every time!

I have to be honest, if you don't have a box of wipes on the back of your toilet, you are doing it wrong. I haven't used regular TP in 5+ years. The 99 Cent Store baby wipes in the blue package are choice, and the price is right. No wipes=not hot...

total! Shit kickers be talkin' shit!

Now playing

Not sure how you heard about my alter, Mr. Bitter, but I assure you that he and the Party Posse Crew are not embarrassed to dance. It has, indeed, already been broughten...

Groovy video and all, save for the abused-puppy/kitty-manipumercial music, but what is with all of the cavitation bubbles coming from the prop/caterpillar drive? I'm just a guy, but seems like the pressure would pretty much make that impossible sauce. I totally grok the project, but promoting this craft as if it

Um, yeah, adios EDC, LV can have you, just change the name to Enormous Douche Convention! I'll be back in lil'ol'LA, probably at Secret Cinema, not dancing awkwardly in front of every hostile "peace" officer in the lower 48. Set and setting, people, set and setting...