
So much wrong with this - starting with preferring LA to SF in every conceivable way. And I'll never understand people who complain that their burrito is too big.

Yeah they forgot B.A.P.S.

If you're putting Austin Powers on the list it would still be under Beverly Hills Ninja.

What about Star Wars: The Special Edition? It introduced us to Jabba the Friendly Ghost!

Also why is the Mexican food in San Francisco so, so superior to what you get in Los Angeles - when so much farther away from Mexico?????


You're nuts.

I stopped listening to music in 1997, did I miss anything good?

Bill Clinton killed punk.

Oh, that kind of makes sense. He must have meant Rhinestone. But between that and his pan of LifeForce, it makes you wonder if Paul Scheer just really hates seeing boobs.

Pearls before swine!

Oscar is not a musical and Stallone does not sing in it. It's really bad of course but I don't think Scheer has actually seen it.

Please do.

It's Dogshit.

What about the Russian links?

You wood say that.

Someone took these fairly competent food photos and then lazily doodled all over them, presumably during a long conference call.

It's supposed to be a Shonda Rimes parody but I find it much more accidentally relevant as a parody of the upcoming HBO slave drama from the GoT writers.