
Just kidding, kinda.

I hate to explain it, but of course Al doesn't really hate Jews and is not truly racist in any way, like the guys you know about. BUT — while I can see how one could equate "Rabbi" with say poking fun at the Amish, it's REALLY not the same.

"Pretty Fly for a Rabbi" is anti-Semitic.


Hoppy finish? That's not how this works.

It's not vegan, they drain it through a sheep stomach lining for some sick reason.

Technically I haven't REALLY tried it since the can I had tasted old and musty. But I have heard great things. A Minnesota friend had the good fortune to try it on a fresh tap and described it as "pure onions" which is relevant to my interests.

Dumbest Beer Name Thread. I'll start:

That Lawson's Super Session #2 is one of the top two or three beers I have ever had.

My friend really likes sours. I tried one and it just made me laugh. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it, it just tasted so silly.

I've heard these "all about balance" arguments plenty of times. That statement, to me, is bullshit. Want a fistful of sickeningly sweet caramel punching you in the mouth and shitting all over those fragrant hops? No thanks.

Surprised no one has mentioned Pliny the Elder, arguably one the most influential beers of all time, definitely the most innovative IPA ever.

I'll see your "Mellow" and raise you a "Hardware Store."

Oliver North and Flying Monkey.

Now that's just overkill.


Goodbye Pork Pie Hat.

He spit on your WHAT?

A zebra?

That's what the show is like.