Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk.
Jeep Grand Cherokee Trackhawk.
The only people interested in singling out those who die are the editors of this bilge. Nobody who loves racing watches it for the crashes.
I was polite last week, but this time you don’t deserve it. Gutter journalism of the worst sort. No reporting whatsoever on the racing. But at least this time I can expect it coming from you, Stef was more of a disappointment.
Uhmm. That’s not a brand new Altima.
Come to the Central Valley where all trucks are either raised or lowered. What is dead may never die.
Ah, sorry, I made a reference to the brain meme—the greatest meme of all time, as well as the perfect Rosetta Stone for understanding literally all internet discourse—without even thinking about it.
Yes, you’re right, literally the only option for a team with two top-shelf penetrators and passers on it is to have those two top-shelf penetrators and passers take turns dribbling away the shot-clock so they can crank up contested jumpers.
“ dedicating a year of your life to perfecting the craft of flipping a light switch.”
Sorry bro. I just feel like any mom who drives that wears white Capri pants with a muffin top and has part-time realtor on their resume.
Also gotta love all the racist defenses of your crappy job.
The video was def bad. But what about the racer? It’s like he was stuck in second gear.
It’s crazy how some of those parked cars didn’t curb their wheels.
So you can actually see how steep it is:
If you’ve gotten caught already then there’s no self-incrimination. You’ve already been incriminated.
Easy there, killer. This is a long-running joke, and you fell hard for it.
Came for this and leaving satisfied.
A buddy movie starring Corey Feldman and Ben Affleck’ s phoenix tattoo.