
i get your point, but korea and japan aren’t the normal targets of these tariffs. in many asian stores you tend to avoid products made in china, or so I’m told. i think thats primarily from the baby formula incidents, mixed with a tinge of racism (most of asia has bad history with their neighbors).  

let me ask a simple question, but aren’t toothpicks (the wooden ones) a hazard for small children? notice the bento food-picks all have a rather large head (handle) on them preventing them from entering the child’s mouth. 

I ordered darling seafood forks along with my flatware pattern for toddlers and above. The kids and grands enjoyed having the Big People look, but something easier for their small hands to maneuver, and that wouldn’t give them an overwhelming load on a forkful.

Republican voters gravitate toward conspiracy theories because that’s the only way they can explain why they keep voting these assholes in and their lives only get worse.

Trump is like a kid who learns a new curse word and then says it all the time despite having no idea what it means or how to apply it correctly. On a serious note why the fuck hasn’t his Twitter account been taken down? I don’t give a shit if he allegedly the president(lower case intentional forever) according to fake

I see a five year old kid who put a whoopee cushion on his mom’s chair and is anxiously waiting for her to sit, hardly able to contain his laughter, unaware that what he’s doing is blatantly obvious and not fooling any one.

Moscow Mitch makes him Russia’s bitch.

The funniest part was the reporters saying that this was McConnell at his absolute most vitriolic.

Oh, god. Please bleach my brain. I have this sinking feeling that the leadership of the Republican party are all compromised by Russia. Not generally with kompromat—mostly just straightforward bribery. The Chinese are doing it too. Republicans weaponize the virtue of patriotism, because they’ve all thoroughly shat on

Odo is looking a little greasy there. Someone needs to get him a bucket to nap in. 

this might be the feel-good story of the year as far as i’m concerned. he’s one of the most nakedly power hungry men i’ve ever seen in my life and there are few things that feel better than seeing him crack, even just a little bit. 

Every democratic voter that sees him on the street should make it a point to say something to him about him doing a terrible job and his disrespect of the Constitution.

It’s almost as if they are 100% completely, entirely, and solely full of shit at all times!

Man, for people that call everyone else “snowflakes,” they sure to complain a lot about people being mean to them.

Sounds like if anyone should be pissed it should be China. All those years of loyalty and now he cheats on them with Russia.

Me too. I think people are forgetting how important it is to take the gavel from him. You think the Democratic president we all hope to elect will get a SCOTUS pick with him in charge next time??

Thoughts and Prayers Mitch.