“counterproductive to promoting peace.”
“counterproductive to promoting peace.”
Elliot Page doesn’t owe you jack shit and can tell as much or as little of his own life story as he wishes. You have to be absolutely delusional to call him craven
If you want to be told about manhood, some guy wrote a book about it
It’s also completely stupid because the justice system is designed on purpose so that a minority can stop the majority to reduce the risks of false or unfair convictions.
GOP always tries to push a conservative black person whenever there is an African American Democrat or a woman vs. Democratic woman.
andy cohen is a sleazy trash merchant
Only half right, since being a dick isn’t a crime.
If you assume, based on history, that most Republican attacks are projection of Republican practices, then their vote makes sense. They are just protecting their own traditional rights to sexually abuse children.
Did you know there’s a spray they can use that’ll basically make it so you can’t feel getting a shot at all? Basically, instant topical anesthetics that wear off quickly but last long enough that you can get a shot or blood draw or IV or whatever with zero pain.
But most medical professionals don’t use them because…
I was one of a few kids. My parents were spread super thin. I was heavily neglected to the point I’ve never been able to have lasting, intimate relationships with people.
Anyone grow up in a huge family? My dad is oldest of seven. They have some fun stories, but he was a built in babysitter and no one ever went to his school sports games. The loud kids who misbehaved inevitably got most of the attention. He moved out very young because there just wasn’t space for him.
For the last motherfucking time, the right to free speech does not include the right to consequence-free speech. No one has stolen J.K. Rowling’s right to her opinion, nor her right to express that opinion. She said some cruel and ignorant shit (on Twitter, for all those privacy hounds out there) and got called out…
Abusers, defenders of that abuse, bullies, and other monsters have destroyed and weaponized the term “forgiveness.”
As if Kylie knew that costume was Elvira. It was just some cool wig and sexy dress.
I usually don’t take too much stock in the order of lists like this because generating controversy is part of the fun. But this is honestly one of the worst lists of anything I’ve ever seen. The Wire and The Sopranos being one and two is fine, but everything else is bonkers. How could Curb Your Enthusiasm not even…
That is so incredibly stupid, because no police department has actually been defunded, not in the loony sense that you believe at least. Crime is barely up, and historically it’s low, it’s just up from historical low levels.
heir to the Hilton Hotel fortune, Richard Hilton
I’m not exactly sure what the point of your comment is, then, if you’re admonishing us to not respond to Lizzo’s statement in any way yet you’ve slid yours in right off the bat to say “I don’t have a feeling either way, but should she have said it?”
Does it matter that she said it? This is a woman who gets shit for…
Can she take Manchin and Sinema with her? Really clean house of all the DINOs?