This doesn’t seem like a big deal
This doesn’t seem like a big deal
I’m aware of the bill. They passed that bill at the height of the Iroquois Theory’s popularity. These debates particularly raged in the 90s.
As repugnant as I find King’s comments...this is something of an urban legend for which there is little to no concrete evidence. The historian in me is compelled to respond!
Point of clarification that even ABC made: This was not “Obama’s Town Hall.” ABC planned this event, asked the President to come, and he accepted. I think ABC is solely to blame re: the ordering of questions, etc.
I started to feel like I was attempting to report something that did not need reporting in the first place. Why did I or Fusion or anyone else care who the real Jennifer Mayers was? Why did we care about her intentions?
I’ve never seen a more putrid, pus-filled abyss of stupidity than the “Real Housewives” franchise.
Well, people watch in part for the danger, right? Sort of like watching NASCAR for the crashes? So one every thirty years is much better odds than the bulls have.
Love it. Fuck everyone who enjoys bullfighting.
RIP in piece to a brave hero who was taken much too soon — Harambe (the gorilla who died)
Ole! Good fucking riddance.
Alternate headline: “Asshole Dies For Doing Asshole Things.”
I’m not saying it was up to typical Saudners quality. But the quoted text completely misrepresents his whole point. And is totally misframing his argument.
No, this story completely misrepresented what he wrote. She literally quoted his words were he wasn’t talking about two Americas and then claimed he was talking about two opposed view points. That wasn’t anywhere in the quote.
Social media and #activism created these self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou shits with delusions of Herzog
Ultimately, it seems that the Trump rally Gawker post has no purpose other than to reaffirm the importance of a certain kind of blogger and her opinions. It tells us little about the motivation of Trump voters and reduces journalism to quips and hashtags in an obviously grotesque sea of blog posts. Its sole purpose…
Social media and #activism created these self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou shits with delusions of Herzog.
—the realization that there are two Americas, as well as the delusion that they’re are inherently separate from one another, complete with ideologies that never overlap
Considering the vast majority of RV buyers are retirees and retirees are overwhelmingly conservative (unfortunately), this just seems like a smart business move on the part of the RVIA. I am with the Herzogs on Trump, but I can’t blame the RVIA for not wanting that to hurt their business.
Imma just leave this right here…
Those same people who love to whine about the Electoral College (“but whyyyy can’t it just be one person, one vote”) lean heavily on its existence to allow them to vote with their precious consciences instead of their fucking brains.