I couldn’t remember the name of that one. It was basically the indy version of CB4.
I couldn’t remember the name of that one. It was basically the indy version of CB4.
You listed Cool Runnings but not The Mighty Quinn. Denzel Washington, Robert Townsend, and Ester Rolle (let’s not forget a musical performance by Rita Marley)
it’s just good to see domestic terrorism committed by a largely white mob being responded to with the same sense of urgency (at least, somewhat) as foreign-based terrorism committed by people and groups America has never been shy about calling terrorists.
Where is Kanye’s support network? It seriously sounds like he needs an intervention.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
This is disheartening, but remember that it may also be temporary. On February 8, 2018, Bermuda became the first country to repeal the legalization of same-sex marriage, as was reported by Jezebel and almost every other news outlet in the world. On June 6, 2018, Bermuda Supreme Court re-instated the court’s ruling of…
Blackout Tuesday is more of the same social media activism that does nothing for the cause, like “Pray for <insert most recently tragedy-afflicted city here>.” It is not informing anyone of anything except that personal and commercial brands are willing to exploit social issues. They will post a black square before…
People who double space after a period most likely double-click on hyperlinks.
Y’all still saying “woke”?
Nah B. You need to put more thought into your comments.
I gotcha back. I’ve said for a long time that white people need to solve the white supremacy problem. Don’t take any of this personal.
I think you should also mention that the website has one of the friendliest requests for adblock whitelisting that you could expect to encounter.
I commented on this article but I was still in the greys. My issue was with the analogy, not the content. I still stand by my (most of) original comments tho.
All their statements sound like corporate communication and marketing jargon. What they seem to be missing is brand alignment. They should consider changing their name to something else that reflects their “for-profit” (dare I say, “corporate”) strategies, or they will continue to draw criticism from their original…
Mister Softee is a cultural icon of NYC.
The easiest way to kill any counterculture is to commercialize it.
Have you ever watched Jamaicans play soccer?
1. Because I’m a nigga, and niggas sometimes do nigga shit. While the standard of what constitutes verified nigga shit is somewhat arbitrary and variable, permanently etching the title of your book on your arm qualifies.
Nah B. I’ve read to much about the long term effects of makeup and how damaging they can be to aging skin. I’ll stick with cocoa and shea butter, and maintain those compliments that I look 10-15 years younger than I am.