Yes. The word isn’t heard often because the tractor, for the most part, made the ox-draw plow/carriage obsolete.
Yes. The word isn’t heard often because the tractor, for the most part, made the ox-draw plow/carriage obsolete.
Calling someone “couth” has a good chance of backfiring because it can easily sound like “coof”.
“Being white never hurt anybody.”
The really sad thing is that the woman who posted the incident on Facebook will probably do damage to her job prospects more than anything else. She could have contacted the company to check the email’s authenticity or sought legal help. Instead she’s brought bad press to a company that are (more than likely) victims t…
Not true. “Hacking” is using a computer to gain unauthorized access to data, like let’s say an email account. Doesn’t matter how you do it. If it’s unauthorized access to data then it’s a hack.
Let’s be honest here. A company would be opening themselves up to a huge discrimination lawsuit if they did something like this. I can believe that someone was trying to fuck with the company, fuck with the employee, or do both. Email spoofing isn’t that hard to do.
That’s dank.
Get outdoors. Social but not crowded. A bar every nine holes. Drinking and “driving”. Tournament swag. And you don’t have to be great at it.
Had a good friend of mine OD to cardiac arrest last year at 48. He had never been a big user when we were younger so it was surprising to learn that over 20 years later he became a casualty.
Coming from someone who’s done 17/20 things on that list...
There are whole categories of wypipo that I’m not seeing represented.
A moment of bravery doesn’t make for a lifetime of hatred.
“Come on it’s 2018, when was [blackface] ever acceptable? I ain’t with it.” - Common
I know somebody who’s pissed right now. saw the name on the sample and was like, “No need to run it. This dude’s black.”
Hmm, this year’s crop of white tears is exceptional.
Giuliani didn’t prosecute John Gotti.
Where’s these oldies but goodies?
I still think he’s a predatory dirt-bag sociopath.
“Roaring”? I think they meant “soaring”.