Much to my disappointment, “doze hands” were not caught.
Much to my disappointment, “doze hands” were not caught.
Sony don’t know shit about entertaining black audiences. If they did, they would’ve did the Miles Morales Spiderman movie that we’ve been waiting already.
I’ve skipped a few myself. But for this past one they arranged for an open bar, multi-course banquet, live band, cabaret show, and mock casino (roulette, blackjack, craps, and crown & anchor).
Late 80's & early 90's white power skinheads got consistently beatdown whenever they showed up at CBGB’s, L’Amours, The Pyramid, ABC No Rio, the Ritz, or any other venue where NYHC scene heads went en masse. Often it was young kids who thought that’s what the hardcore scene was about. They came thinking they were…
Hahaha! I did this at my company’s holiday party with more than conscious effort. Before I ducked out I went to the dance floor and made sure everyone saw me having the time of my life. I had my hands up in the air while I freaked up on one of the Marketing ladies (she was cool wit it). Then with a big smile on my…
But have they killed more people that cops?
Because to white people that brick is actually a snowball.
That recruitment video is clearly the answer to Sheriff Bart’s question, “Where da white wimmen at?”
Windows Key+L to lock that screen and get to the bathroom! (Maybe this is just a cubicle thing.)
Don’t forget those who do nothing to stop it.
Killer Mike needs to change his name to “Keeping That Shit Wunhunnet Mike”
based upon information provided by her indicating that she may have been sexually assaulted prior to arriving at the jail
Tell me. Who did it first, did it better, and did it to music?
So the winner of the ATY race is based on distance rather than time? And the runners are going in circles? Sounds like this type of thing was to be expected.
At least there ain’t a little black kid in it.
The conclusion: Drake’s the most celebrity star-fucker in the game.
Damned if you do. Damned if you don’t.
My 13 year old daughter actually wears just such a shirt... Should I tell her that she shouldn’t let her black friends borrow it because it would be racist?