Mister Maximo

I'm torn between Ruby Rhod and Smokey from Friday. He did a good job with Smokey.

I always thought the character was modeled after Prince — y'kno, flamboyantly hetero. There was also that other scene in the auditorium on Fhloston...

Wow! You can tell that these are more balanced competitors. The results (at this time at least) are the closest I've seen since MMM2011 began. The only blowout is a sci-fi no-brainer.

That diagram reminds of this. I hope they don't take it the wrong way, tho.

And here I thought it was just me.

I'd watch it

Can we have Jessica Biel read for the role of the chick with the three boobs? I know it's a small part, but I'm just sayin'.

Just bring back Caprica.

I got 5 on it.


I mourn for Akira, but glory in that Alien is a worthy opponent by which to meet its demise.

Rather than wondering what happens when people see banknotes destroyed, I wonder what happens in the brain when people see money on the floor? Try this experiment: Put some money on the floor (even if it's in your own home) and see how long you can leave it there.

"Solomon Grundy want pants too!"

With that you my 100% agreement. And right back at'cha.

Although you make some valid points, I think you need to give io9ers and democracy a little credit. I see the poll as just a fun way for fans to discuss what films they like. Because any one of us could just look up all of these movies on IMDB and see which was rated highest. That still wouldn't please everyone. So

I plan on teaching my kids to say "Kneel before Zod!" to any adult that they don't want to obey.

Superman II vs. Twelve Monkeys? What a tough choice. I mean I loved Twelve Monkeys (Bruce Willis, time travel, post-apocalyptic), but all I could think of when it was time to choose was "Kneel before Zod!"

I read you, but you gotta be shittin' me!


This is what I got growing up. "It's not that he's not smart. He's just lazy." Great thing to tell a kid growing up. Especially one that was studying 9th grade mathematics in the 8th grade at an age when he should've been in the 7th grade. I felt like Gary Coleman and no one questioned whether or not I felt