
Rick Reilly, right? It’s both broadly offensive to numerous groups of people, and personally hurtful to Kaepernick.

In a literal fight between a bunch of warriors and a bunch of baby cows, who would win? Don’t be so quick to say the group of warriors would do it. The Rock has some pretty big calves. And sometimes, a calf will bite you. Also, why won’t this headache go away? And why does it smell like burning feathers?

First Law Of Takes: A take shall remain in effect until its retraction is demanded by a more powerful organization.

Hence the “at first glance” portion of my comment.

You know what they say.

How can you take a blindside hit directly in the face?

Well, I would place 5,000 tiles, and I would place 5,000 more, just to be the man who placed 10,000 tiles to fall down on the floor.

Just setting himself up for the inevitable heartbreak: the night Pierre McGuire ruins a great game through constant interruption, untimely interjection of irrelevant sub-trivial detail, creepy comments and chronic over-/misuse of big-boy vocabulary.

Do you disavow Aztec human sacrifices?

It’s the last letter in “struck” (as in “struck out”) and “S” was already taken for sacrifice.

You clearly haven’t seen many Japanese Godzilla films. They’re always 85% “human stories” and about 15% Godzilla stomping. The most recent Godzilla film was actually quite loyal to the tone and pace of classic Godzillas.

I guess it’s better than how another well-known Brown draft pick celebrates.

smdh the Browns still haven’t learned their lesson. Need to be drafting players who are dry.

That’s not a celebration, that’s a suicide attempt.

Documented shit-eating:

Goodell: [shakes Tunsil’s hand] Pretty exciting night for you so far, huh?


Today I learned that I would like to bang both Jared Goff’s mom and Jared Goff’s sister. Thanks for the info, Jared Goff!

More like Johnny Maninacell