Mister Jiles

You seem to believe that because no policing strategy/trend can explain the macro-level decrease in crime we have observed in the last 20 years, police strategies therefore do not ever have (or rarely have) an effect on increases and decreases in violent crime at the local level. This is a specious argument. The

Considering the arrogance of your post, your ignorance about Chicago violence is astonishing.

It’s not 488 murders in a year. We are on track for 730 murders. 416 in 2014, 468 in 2015, 730 in 2016.

What is your point when you say that violence is lower than in the 90's? Of course it’s lower; the projects were torn down. The point is that violent crime is going UP. We have so far had a 70% increase in shootings this year + a 50% increase in homicides. 50% more will take us to well over 1,000 deaths. Violence in

Oh dear. Have you ever been in Austin? Humboldt Park? The one time I was in Humboldt Park there was a shooting a half mile away. My sister lives right by Austin + everyone knows not to even drive through there, especially in the evening or on a weekend. THERE IS LITERALLY ALMOST ONE PERSON SHOT EVERY DAY IN AUSTIN.

Context: there have been 50% more murders this year than there were at the same time last year. The number has been creeping up each year. We are on track to go back to where we were in the 90's in the age of Henry Horner + Cabrini Green. Btw, Bill Clinton was much more aggressive than President Obama when it came to

I have to disagree with you. Shootings in Chicago are in the Tribune every day. I know because I read them every day. Sadly, though, it’s not very newsworthy when someone is shot + killed in a neighborhood that is essentially a war zone. (If you read the Tribune, though, you will see they have done a lot of great

Murder rates have gone up in most major cities this year, actually, as a result of the exact opposite phenomenon—less-tough policing.

There are around 50% more murders this year than at the same date last year. That IS a big deal. It means hundreds more people, including many children, will die this year.

Stricter rules for cops—the result of NAACP + BLM activism—(e.g., a rule that forces cops to fill out excessive amounts of paperwork each time