
Thanks for that comment 3 years later. Boy, if you are just reading this now then you sure have a lot of catching up to do. Your delightful comment seems to miss the point, so let me clear a few things up:

God’s daughter actually owns the Meet Rack. I am surprised you didn’t mention the sex dungeon with the 1 way mirrors or the condom machine in the ladies room that triggers lights and sirens in the bar area. The Meet Rack is an interesting place, but ultimately it’s a shitty dive. There are better places on Congress or

+1 Boogie Cousins

I blame Paul Pierce

Andy Reid wishes he had eaten a tapeworm

Are we sure it's not the lair of an evil supergenius? Or maybe home to unspeakable horrors from beyond time?

The lighting in the pic at the top of the article makes it look like that gentleman is rocking a fierce shade of fuchsia Charlotte Tillbury lip stain. You look fierce, bro!

Yeah, someone needs to look out for the rights of the companies right? Especially the rights of companies to be discriminating dick bags? If it makes you feel any better - employers can still test for other drugs.

Does Jayson Williams qualify as a former NBA great?  He’d be ahead of Kobe Bryant on the list of bad mentors. Maybe Shawn Kemp too. 

Great comment, but not as good as your username

Friday Night Lights 2:  Revenge of the Lights

That makes more sense, thanks for letting me know.  

oh I guess the 2nd 4 was for 4-speed

Ah the 442 that didn’t have a 4 barrel, or a 454 (maybe it had dual exhaust though) 

The Celtics locker room has been in shambles since Kyrie announced that ‘Boston Cream Pie’ is actually a type of cake. 

I don’t know why you are so pedantically fixated on this, but I never said no one comes back at 100% after an ACL tear.

They performed better due to the fact that even at 1-2% less effective they were still able to dominate. The aftermath of an ACL replacement is more than just stats. It’s getting up in the morning with a knee that feels like a sack of rocks, it’s loss of sensation due to nerve damage, maybe it’s even just

.....were so unbelievably gifted before the injury that they can still dominate.....

Nobody’s the same after an ACL tear. Some guys come back at 95% and were so unbelievably gifted before the injury that they can still dominate, but why would you risk reducing your potential. Also, there’s more to it than just money - knee surgery sucks, I know from experience. A lot of factors make it seem like a
