
I like the idea of having 1 HoF, which contains many wings.

Bloodsport, natch. That's a bad movie about a worse person. And who doesn't love Chong Lee?

“Always a mean-mug truther in every comments section.”

He’s a great dunker, but Giannis has got one of the silliest looking post-dunk, mean mugs I’ve ever seen.

I asked my wife, and she remembered the screen name, but couldn’t remember who it was.  She was ‘ZOO’.   I was hired too late for a 3 character screenname, but I worked there long enough to see a bunch of people get fired when they made poor decisions about their new 16 character screennames. 

I worked for AOL in Tucson for 15 years.  You probably worked w/ my wife in Tech Live (or MHI, or MHMS, or whatever it was called at the time).   

Tucson or Ogden?

Someone was telling me of a theory where you could map the state of a countries medical services by the leading disease cause of death:
C-Class Countries - Leading Disease Cause of Death: Dysentery

In his bio “Brent Rose is a freelance writer, actor, and filmmaker, currently traveling the U.S. living in a high-tech van."

31 years old!!?   I wonder why he thought he needed a tall boy of Viagra.

Has Krystal Burgers stolen this idea yet?


You are a true master of irony to make it seem like you lacked the reading comprehension to understand the helium comment while at the same time decrying the poster’s lack of reading comprehension.  Performance posting at its finest.  Well played....?

Thanks for your insights, officer!


I see these very frequently when I am on LSD.  

#12 the guy who showed up just to work on his refereeing skills. He’s calling travels, double dribbles, 5 second violations. He’s working on a ref’s triple-double: (double digit calls made for: traveling, hand check fouls, and charging calls) 

Weak ass reactions to fouls I have seen in my 30+ years of playing pick up basketball:
1. Whine about it to the team

Now playing

Maurice Ashley is a black chess grandmaster, that would blow the Governor’s mind. Also Maurice Ashley schooled some speed chess guy in an undercover bit ->