And plus you get to keep all the free celebrity nudes you can hack.
And plus you get to keep all the free celebrity nudes you can hack.
She keeps writing em, and I keep on reading em....
Were sparrows introduced to North American by Eugene Schieffelin?
DS9 vs. B5 is my favorite nerd battle. It’s like Tab vs. RC Cola!
Cause it’s the series that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends.
My favorite is: Pot of Boiling Water, left on stove for girlfriend, significant other, soon-to-be-ex-wife to find after I pass out.
“Fitz dealing with his self-pity and remorse over his mistakes in the first book—and then he has to rise up, take control of his destiny, and make things better again” - Isn’t this every book in the series that has Fitz in it? I haven’t read all 29 of them yet, but they were starting to get pretty repetitive.
My wife had never heard of her either. I am a former Mass-hole (Massachusetts Native) so I wasn’t sure if it was a regional thing or not.
I just finished ‘Maplecroft’ a weird fiction book about Lizzie’s life after she got in trouble for all that whacking.
By this logic we could blame Dubose’s mom for his death too. If she hadn’t given birth to her son he wouldn’t have been alive for the cop to shoot him. Not victim blaming here (but totally victim blaming here) but this whole thing would’ve been easily avoided if Sam Dubose’s mom hadn’t reproduced.
Hi Troll,
The body cam didn’t work too well for Samuel Dubose, did it?
I dont know why women who speak w/ vocal fry are singled out. It seems like the larger discussion is: Should people be looked down upon if they aren’t ‘well spoken’? I feel that in certain situations being ‘well spoken’ is a valuable skill to have. In general day to day life I communicate in a conversational tone with…
All the stuff that made Rocky 3 good was: Rocky, Rocky 2.
Great book!
“I understand the desire to give the product a more professional appearance” I don’t. I mean I might if the Reebok unis made them look more professional, but the epitome of professional fighter, for me, is a boxer, and they had a good take on that look before. The Reebok unis make them look more homogenized not more…
Yeah getting replies to old posts is super-lame
I’ve been to Canada, it’s almost like visiting a different country, *almost*.
In the Americas a Panther is a melanistic Jaguar. In the old world a Panther is a melanistic leopard.
Melanistic Leopard = Panther