William Sean McFly

I had a Cerberus-era Liberty that had constant electrical issues. Radio would randomly turn off. Turn signals would work and then wouldn’t. Headlights that flickered. All while still under warranty.

Thriving isn’t the word I’d use, in that there really isn’t a lot of money to be made. The number of games, like yours, that have actually appreciated in value is abysmally low.

I’m thinking Donald Trump in a superhero costume.

I am seriously considering a XBone or a PS4 now (I don’t own either). I’m convinced now more than ever that this generation will still be supported for a few more years at least.

I often laugh at my parents for how much money they spent on their Atari 2600 in 1982.

No. Multicam/studio audience only.

I will go to my grave believing that Ted Danson’s best traditional sit com role will forever be Dr. John Becker.

Escort? Tempo? Probe?

Nuance and Context are hard to grasp for many.

My friends have two adopted children from birth. They celebrate their “gotcha days” on the day their adoptions were fully legally finalized.

We have a similar thing in Detroit called “Jobbie Nooner” where a bunch of people get on their boats and go to a tiny little island in the middle of Lake St. Clair for no other purpose of drink and debauchery to celebrate the beginning of summer.

Mario stirring awake has always been among my favorites.

I feel real dumb for falling for the “IF YOU DON’T FOLLOW EVERY RULE YOU’RE NOT GETTING YOUR DIPLOMA!” line.

Hey, us old millenials grew up with Hanna Barbara reruns on Saturday morning all throughout the ‘80s!

This is also true. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to know who you are before you settle with someone else.

Personally, I’ve never bought into the whole “soul mate” thing. I think that line of thinking makes you lazy. “It shouldn’t be this hard if we were meant to be!”

First: people very rarely marry the person they started dating when they were in their teens. Second: Call me Old-y McDecrepit, but 24 is too damn young to get married.

The Entirety of Geekdom (of any genre) is one big No True Scotsman fallacy.

I will go to my grave believing that Wind Waker was the best of the series