William Sean McFly

This is also true. I don’t think it’s a bad idea to know who you are before you settle with someone else.

Personally, I’ve never bought into the whole “soul mate” thing. I think that line of thinking makes you lazy. “It shouldn’t be this hard if we were meant to be!”

First: people very rarely marry the person they started dating when they were in their teens. Second: Call me Old-y McDecrepit, but 24 is too damn young to get married.

The Entirety of Geekdom (of any genre) is one big No True Scotsman fallacy.

I will go to my grave believing that Wind Waker was the best of the series

I’m still working under the impression that Musk is one of two things:

“Should I move to Canada for a Boyfriend I’ve never met?”

Airfare is unbelievably cheap. A one way ticket from Detroit to Las Vegas is $7.

It should’ve been priced at 5150.

Same. In Detroit we have a locally owned theater chain (MJR) and one regional chain (Emagine) and they’re miles ahead the AMC theaters in terms of cost, quality, and comfort.

There are concert events that are “live” somewhere, and simulcast to theaters around the country. This could be a thing, especially with Broadway productions.  Can’t see Hamilton in New York? Go to your local Sioux City theater!

There’s a brand new drive-in theater opening up outside of Detroit this Friday. They’re not showing brand new movies (Jumanji and Endgame, I believe). All of the shows are sold out for the weekend.

Aside from the course design (and really, Yoshi’s Island and Baby Park are the outstanding entries here), Double Dash was straight trash.

I’m an old, so you can expect this take, but Super Mario Kart is - by leaps and bounds - the best RACING game. Everything after Double Dash is in most part a luck game. You can be a terrible driver, but if you get the right combination of items, you can still get the gold medal.

Albany’s in New York, silly!

See you aren’t seeing the genius in their plan! If the industries are open, then the state isn’t on the hook for unemployment anymore. Which means the unemployment numbers go way down! And then they did their jobs! And get re-elected!

“Nintendo Labo Final Fantasy Kit”