BYU is also incredibly cheap for LDS members. LDS kids pay something like half the rate of the public University of Utah.
BYU is also incredibly cheap for LDS members. LDS kids pay something like half the rate of the public University of Utah.
No, if you live in Michigan, it’s the “Secretariahstade.”
It should also be mentioned that Joe Biden is pretty much in lock step with the Obama platform, and has a far more progressive viewpoint now than in 1991.
Is there an actual instance of a teacher who was found to be racist, or is this just some sort of hypothetical that went totally out of control?
The criticism with this show is strikingly similar to the criticism of the Star Wars sequels. “LUKE SKYWALKER WOULDN’T ACT THIS WAY!”
(They’re not even that good...)
I took my test in ‘98. It was required to parallel park on the road test, but I found that you didn’t necessarily have to do it perfectly, you just had to be good enough. I hit like three cones, but the rest of my test was perfect.
“Aluminum” is the North American spelling standard. That’s why we pronounce it Ah-loo-min-um.
OH YEAH, YOUR WES? Like I REALLY believe you had a job interview during a root canal!
It should be noted that here in the Snowbelt, compressors are used almost all year around too - 6 months for defrosting, 6 months for AC (and sometimes both in a single day)
This is why I just stick to Mountain Dew Kickstarts fruit punch.
I think one could argue it was not cool to emancipate until Lincoln did it.
liking Final Fantasy VII to me is like calling Coldplay your favorite band. Sure, it was cool in like 2000. But then EVERYBODY fell COMPLETELY IN LOVE, and pretended like it was the GREATEST THING OF ALL TIME, when it wasn’t even as good as the thing that came immedietly before it. You grew to hate what you onced…
But that Soundtrack, man!
I would love for Nintnedo to take a stab at fixing Star Fox Zero. The gamepad mechanic ruined most of the good things about that game. If it was just a straight-up 64-style rail shooter, I think it would be a perfect fit and a much better game.
Just let it go, man. Let it go.