Funny how you and them had no issues with wrapping a Palestinian (or any other flag) while they were being sworn as representatives of THIS country.
Funny how you and them had no issues with wrapping a Palestinian (or any other flag) while they were being sworn as representatives of THIS country.
Are Jews only one-issue voters, in that the only thing they care about is the government’s position on Israel?
Israel is a secular nation not run by the central authority of Judaism. There’s literally no basis in criticizing the government of Israel being anti-semetic.
Funny how you and them had no issues with wrapping a Palestinian (or any other flag) while they were being sworn as representatives of THIS country.
It depends on how much the Republican Party is invested in dying on that hill. I think its pretty obvious that short of an outright fraudulent election, Trump is going to get slaughtered in 2020, and a lot of Republicans in the House and Senate will go down with him.
It’s a bit like asking “how much is your dignity worth?”
While that may be true, if your (presumably white) family has been in the United States since at least 1865, or arrived at any point before 1964, your family has benefited immensely from slavery and the Jim Crow era that followed. Don’t kid yourself.
Honestly, how much money would be considered enough to cover 400 years of slavery, 100 years of legal apartheid, and 40 more years of just flat out institutional racism?
You thought RINOs were fun.... Well we’ve got DINOs over here!
“You like pizza! You eat spaghetti! EVEN KETCHUP!”
Not only do I agree with you, but my wife is actually allergic to onions and garlic. She can’t go out to eat anywhere, basically.
Somewhere out there the Dead Letters section of the New York Times got a brand new entry.
If I ever run into you, I will kick your ass and make your face look like you got in a head of collision. You’re a coward hiding behind the internet. Time in place I will whoop your sorry ass.
Nimitz is the low-hanging fruit. It’s cool the other guys get recognition from time to time.
Fun story: I owned a Jeep for a few years earlier this decade. Gas consistently hovered around and over$3/gallon. I gave up and bought a Prius in 2015. Since then, gas has never been cheaper.
From the Russian perspective, it doesn’t seem like they were more terrified of Reagan than they were any other President. It’s pretty obvious Afghanistan had a lot more relevancy to the USSR’s downfall than Reagan. As did near-simultaneous revolutions in their most important puppets: Germany, Poland, and…
Maybe the Jupiter PD got a tip from Robert Mueller?
Don’t you remember that SUPER LIBERAL CUCK President Ronald Reagan!?!?
Can’t wait for the judge to dismiss this case with prejudice and then the Trumpites cry about those liberal activist judges again.