William Sean McFly

Why do you think they don’t?

The problem is that you say the media must be centrist but then you define centrism as taking a objective opinion in a subjective argument which is a logical impossibility.

Centrism is by definition always in the center. If the population shifts right the center is going to shift right.

Like a Swiss bank taking Nazi gold!

“Taxes should be where they are” is  not the argument being presented.

Arguably, though, what we have instead is a neutral media — one that reports things that are happening and then has talking heads from Both Sides™ debate said things.

in a subjective argument there is no objective point of view. That’s why its a subjective argument.

You start debating from the facts.

To be fair, we were all idealists six months out of college too.

But why does that mean they should pretend that the correct answer is always in the middle of two parties positions?

Cooper is playing the role of “Centrist Arbitrator.”

AOC believes her policies well revolutionize this country for the better. This cannot be proven as a fact. It’s an obvious opinion. Certainly one with a bit of knowledge and research behind it, but an opinion nonetheless.

It’s not an echo chamber if you have an equal balance on both sides presenting different arguments, which is the ideal that media coverage should strive for.

This is why I think AOC is not doing herself or her position any favors trotting out a plan that isn’t fully baked yet. 

What is the objective, bias-free position between the arguments “Taxes should be lower” vs “taxes should be higher”?

objectivity is pointing out they’re red no matter who made that point while centrism is deciding it must be purple.

CBS news is probably the best out of the majors for having influence-free coverage, and doesn’t really seem like they want to create a narrative.

Anything left of the National Review is basically commie trash.

Asking “how is this going to be funded” is not a loaded question. Anderson Cooper is probably one of the most liberal guys in the media. He probably agrees completely with AOC’s vision. He still has to ask that question.

But in a political context, which is where this issue lies, Centrism IS neutrality. It’s not like the point of the interview was “Democrats think black people should have rights. Republicans don’t.”