
Question: If Bran is controlling Hodor, can he use actual words other
than 'Hodor?' I want to see Bran warg into Hodor, then have a long,
strenuous debate on the merits of traveling north, versus staying at
Castle Black.

Maybe he is right, and they are wrong?

Eating him would be honoring him. He hasn't earned that privilege.

Ah yes, Louie's observational humor on the round-eye is truly genius.

Quick, someone get Abigail the number to Lenny Kravitz' scarf guy.

Yup. It was announced in last years upfronts for this year, now it's being announced again this year for next year. Can't be good.

He was referencing both Will Graham in Hannibal, and Sonya Cross in The Bridge. Both are crime fighters on the autistic spectrum. I think also The Killing, but haven't seen that show.