Mr. Hat

Well written: sure. Reliable account: far from it.

How about the fact that everything that you disagree with is not necessarily racism.

This story provides nothing to answer the question posed. The statistics are not presented equally between fixed and mobile rides. It should be a simple matter of injuries per number of riders to calculate relative risk.

Yes!!! It’s completely evil to pull funding from state that refuse to enforce the current laws on the books. I’ll bet you barely pay anything in taxes, well I don’t. Do you still live with your parents? It’s really east to advocate socialist agendas, when you’re not the one paying for it. Many of us are tired for

Levis became complete crap years ago. Poorly made and no longer durable.

Levis became complete crap years ago. Poorly made and no longer durable.

Where is the rioting? Where are the protests?

Thanks so much. I’m busy right now, but I’ll view it later.