
Why oh why is there only an option to sign in with Facebook?

No joke.

It’s breathtaking.

The loss of time and dominance for Merc/AMG is definitely related to tire pressures... BUT it’s not just because a proper PSI slows them down by X because of the PSI drop. RATHER, it is because the sophisticated engine mapping (which no one will call traction control, but it is), is in need of EXTENSIVE testing,

I hope they spent this off time polishing up their act.

Alexander Rossi must enter F1 like this, for ‘Murica:

The fate of the Jalopnik mobile command center

Did you say best van names ever?

It must be great to live in a world where yours are the only acceptable life choices.

That time in the 70’s when Bernie Ecclestone stole every revenue generating aspect of Formula 1. Greatest. Heist. Ever.

Hit their roots from the earlier TG seasons. Things got too silly in the last few years.