
Berniephone rings: Eeeexccellent.... *click*

Berniephone rings: Wouldn’t be smashing if we put an American in a racing seat 3 races before COTA? *click*

Great job Doug and everyone. The new format makes WCSYB very entertaining. I agree with the YT comment of shortening it a bit. Maybe turn new/used into 2 segments. My personal feedback is that when the conversation gets going, the pace is very fast and slightly mumbly. Everyone is going to have to get used to t a l k

I’m feeling like I was baited by the original photo, butstillyeah.

Conspiracy Theory 1: Berniephone rings... “wouldn’t it be smashing if the hometown boy joined an elite group of 3-in-a-row-winners today” ...click

I admit. I kinda dig the Hot Wheels stance.

My crash was the first time I learned about pedal-off understeer :-/ complete with a rollover. I ended up buying an identical V8 Ghia 2 years later that I drove 6 more years (twice coast to coast) and sold in 93 for $1500. What a ride!

I was 16 1/2 in a 79 Ghia

show hands... who wrecked their first Mustang? (your age/model year)

was Hannah just driving side saddle?