mistergeepee is my alias. I'm a mystery from N.Y.

check your math there, pardner

“When Ukraine sends its canines, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending Lassie. They’re sending dogs that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us[sic]. They’re bringing radioactive fleas. They’re stealing leftovers. They do it doggie style. And some, I assume, are good dogs.”

I’m not trying to say a chain wallet’s a great look, but it looks less stupid than overalls at least.

If you’re willing to resort to overalls to keep your wallet safe, why not just go with a chain wallet? Probably even harder to steal, and looks more fashionable than overalls.

really overdoing it there making every word a hastag.

Starred for the sentiment, but I hate you for the formatting. Google has one hour to scrub me from eurowebs.

Why do your hashtags have extra lines?

“that he began threatening her on February 14th”

I second your reply!

As a stockholder, I’m 100% fine with the size of their donation.

Sure, compared to their value, $1 million is nothing but I don’t think their success should be held against them when they donate. It always annoys me when my friends say, “you have plenty of money, you can afford it, why don’t you buy it”. There’s a reason I’m doing well financially, and it’s because I’m not just

I’m not morality police. I just have a hard time working up outrage for this. I’m sorry. Honestly, i could care less this is how people live their lives but it’s facebook. “THIS ISN’T A LUXURY, IT”S A NECESSITY”. No, water is a necessity. Even access to internet. Facebook? No, thats a luxury. If it doesn’t

ip address make it easy to link accounts

It also has all your favorite apps!

It’s like Europe actually cares about its citizens and not just the profits of companies which bankroll politicians.

Even it is a promotional thing, it skeeves me out they are soliciting people to poop in their special van. Regular old restroom no problem but a text “hey come poop in my restroom with my products”, seems a little fetishy to me.

I don’t really understand the “performance” anxiety when it comes to using public restrooms. If I need to go I don’t really care who knows I’m going or if there is a line. It just does not bother me at all.

If you know someone whose dick looks like this, they should seek medical attention.

“inside an overpriced, rounded package.”

“All of them are spying on you, in one way or another.”

“while Sonos’ lineup is the preferred multi-room setup for coastal liberal elites and company bathrooms everywhere.”

“There’s no way Apple would prevent users from streaming their own tunes to the HomePod, but they did get

I think the most astounding part of this product launch is that Apple does NOT seem to have claimed that they “invented” anything with the HomePod.