I owe Skies of Arcadia all the morals and ethics I’ll ever have. They raised me, prepared me for the world. Ahh Fina <3
I owe Skies of Arcadia all the morals and ethics I’ll ever have. They raised me, prepared me for the world. Ahh Fina <3
Dude, were you on drugs when you wrote this!?
Not really Macgyver! iOttie can’t please everyone otherwise they’d have a model for each phone O=)
I think this is an issue with the sun, against glass and sticky plastic... Please take it up with the universe, not iOttie. I guess iOttie can screw onto the glass but I wouldn’t recommend it, what’ll happen when it rains?
I honestly feel so sorry for WIndows users. You shouldn’t have to go through all that trouble. That’s what you pay them for. I don’t miss windows at all. I suppose it’s the same when paying extra for Apple computers. Just my opinion.
I’m sure that’s a google search away =)
4K display?