mistergeepee is my alias. I'm a mystery from N.Y.

I owe Skies of Arcadia all the morals and ethics I’ll ever have. They raised me, prepared me for the world. Ahh Fina <3

Dude, were you on drugs when you wrote this!?

Not really Macgyver! iOttie can’t please everyone otherwise they’d have a model for each phone O=)

I think this is an issue with the sun, against glass and sticky plastic... Please take it up with the universe, not iOttie. I guess iOttie can screw onto the glass but I wouldn’t recommend it, what’ll happen when it rains?

Why? Quick release! Squeeze grab phone and go, strongest suction cup, arm extender, study, and smart charger connection. Wireless version is also too superb.

I honestly feel so sorry for WIndows users. You shouldn’t have to go through all that trouble. That’s what you pay them for. I don’t miss windows at all. I suppose it’s the same when paying extra for Apple computers. Just my opinion.

I’m sure that’s a google search away =)

4K display?