
Waste of money.

This particular person also has a boat parked in the front yard on the lawn (not sure how this isn’t against a city ordinance, or if they just don’t enforce it) and also a camping trailer parked on the side of the house.

Also, if you want a free upgrade, you fucking ASK for the upgrade. Go up to the boarding agent, say “hey, I noticed this plane isn’t full, can I have a free upgrade?” Sometimes OMG, they actually say yes!

Idiots who happen to have a good credit score.

So that’s where those marks came from next to the JEEP exhibit.

Probably drunk and behaving obnoxiously I’m sure.

I’ve never understood the whole “boom where you room” mentality that some people have, especially with fancy items like this. It’s like congrats dude, you financed a car that costs half of what your house is worth.

My grandmother’s neighbor has a green one of these. On Easter, he started it up, idled it for about 3 minutes and then began revving it up in his garage for another two minutes. He then drove it and came back about 5 minutes later.

As someone who HATES crossovers with a fucking passion, I must say that this is a great looking vehicle. Too bad it’ll be ruined with a CVT!

I like my halogens.

What about NY? We can’t even use OE-replacement cats now (legally.)

That thing looks tacky as all hell. Does it have neon underglow too?

I’m the only one of my friends who does a monthly budget. I’ve actually made it a game where I would track people’s expenses for a week or two and it is mind blowing how much money people waste on a night out, a day at the slopes, etc.

Do they still give out free condoms?

That’s exactly what this is - coked up 1980's Donald Trump acting before thinking. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Pay off your loans! Don’t rely on the GUVMINT (who has a reputation of mishandling money at all times) to take care of you.

but can u get it with a manual?

We live in a very entitled society. Many people have a difficult time grasping the concept that someone is always going to have something nicer than them.

I looked at the tax map for my block and noticed that EVERY SINGLE HOUSE with a mortgage and the original owners still living in it (mid 90's construction) had leased vehicles sitting in the driveway. I found this hilarious. Priorities, though. Can’t be seen in anything but a new car.

I wish Audi kept up with the rally inspiration instead of catering to the yuppies.