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    no one here is offended, friend, just baffled at your self-assurance that you’ve made a good point.

    what part of this solution the programmers made do you not like? It’s just a block function, man, no need to get all bent out of shape that you can’t act like a creepy ass in virtual reality.

    oh right, i think you’re alluding to the nomination process there, friend. The problem is that any current republican nominee is, by definition, so far removed from reality that the Democrats can sort of just nominate whomever has been waiting in the wings the longest,  paid their dues, and can reliably bring in

    She’d lose to any other democrat, but a race against say, Cruz would be tighter but still a definite fight.

    ETA: She’d lose to any liberal person who could make it through a nomination process, I guess. What I’m saying is she’s the ideal republican candidate. Cool with game-breaking Wall Street folks, but also okay

    Any reports/assumptions about whether or not this’ll have wifi?

    oh dang, i forgot about that and stand corrected. Should have known better, the Flying Squid brand is a solid one

    cause she’s asian!

    I dunno, I was actively ignorant about football’s rules but picked the gist up almost immediately from this game. It’s nuts how far they were able to distill and then expand on certain elements of the rules.

    Strongly Disagree:

    Jesus, dude, have you read any of his work? Sit down.

    please, we are dying to hear your point.

    I think the most telling episode of TAL was “Tough Room”, where they hang out in the Onion writing room. Glass briefly mentions the headline “This American Life Completes Documentation of Liberal, Upper-Middle-Class Existence,” and how that stung, and I really think that was the turning point of merlot-sipping,

    I’ll listen to Snap when it’s on, but it’s less of a must-listen, given that I really have to take each story with a grain of salt, and the “next-generation-radio”ness can be a little cloying at times.

    you are very much likely the only person that doesn’t know what that means, and 100% the only person the decided to proclaim their ignorance and write a comment instead of doing a google search

    Oh no, that’s not Aziz Ansari. Just a brown guy who looks nothing like Aziz Ansari.

    Regarding Proust, I took a class in college that was basically just a very structured book club that read all of Proust. I definitely skimmed around 30% of In Search of Last Time if not just skipped it entirely, but there's just these insanely insightful gems buried in a fucking slog of dinner party gossip that make