MisterDew, a Quinn Martin Production

This, I actually respect that Bernie is an asshole straight to your face compared to this lying sack of shit.

In 2006, I had to go to Indy for a conference, and met up with two old friends from Chicago that I hadn’t seen in a while. We decided to go to the Colts-Bills game on Sunday- the only seats left were upper deck. No biggie. Get up to our seats...they were OBSTRUCTED VIEW. How the fuck do you have obstructed view seats

Honestly given his PR and marketing skills he should work for the Colt’s front office.

Only thing missing from those ads is a Ben Roethlisberger celebrity endorsement.

10. Fuck this team and fuck every Carmel kid who thinks they’re “repping” Indianapolis by wearing a Colts jersey even though they to cover their wallets whenever black person walks by them downtown.

I love how I-70 (which is what you take to get away from Indianapolis and it’s insane drivers and head towards a better city like Dayton or Columbus) is covered in these billboards, possible the most Indiana thing ever.

Alright, legit submission this time - mustang drivers in the snow belt. If you don’t buy your snow tires like you were told to do, then you get what’s coming to you in the winter. I point and laugh and offer no help, because there is no help for you. You are dumb. You need to be taught. hopefully next year you’ll

But it didn’t shoot the .SVG

Google shot the serif.

They’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

It was cruel of him to give her exactly what she asked for and then specifically warn her it was hot?

You and I have very different definitions of the word “cruel.”

You are on a spectacular streak of being wrong about everything this week. It’s actually kind of impressive.

How these stories make me feel:

Cancer didn’t win this one, Wes won for giving cancer something to fear in the middle of the night; when the lights are out the monsters and things which go bump have their eyes on you cancer. Are you going to run outside or up the stairs?

Fuck cancer.

Portly, not very strong, and stupid. Not the kind of reputation you bring to in jail.

So, she fought the jacker and he got the truck anyway, and now the the truck is flipped and probably totaled because the cops did a spin-and-pin on a tippy Rangie... Are we supposed to feel happy about this outcome?

I read the comments just to make sure at least one other person had the same thought as me.


I spent an entire afternoon rush shift at Starbucks with T-Rex arms once. I was taking orders for drive-through and so was limited to talking to customers, hitting the screen, and putting stickers on cups, so it was both easy and endlessly entertaining.