Mister Derp

Nah, fuck you, piece of shit.

I guess the upside is he no longer has to live in Alabama.

Really, Sandra Bland didn’t get any press coverage? Kalief Browder didn’t get any press coverage?

Team No One.

It constantly amazes me that humans will kill a dog for biting a human. But a human who kills another human? Better keep it alive and have it become a drain upon society.

He actually gave him the razor so he could shave his unibrow

It does sound like Johnson deserves a new trial, but he also deserves to be convicted again at the end of that second trial.

About 18 months ago, Lindenwood University student Michael L. Johnson was convicted of the Class A felony of “recklessly exposing another person to HIV,” which in Missouri carries a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison.

“especially given that he never actually infected anybody”

Am I supposed to be relieved by this? This man knowingly and willingly exposed his partners to a potentially life threatening disease without their consent. At least one contracted the disease.

Please forgive my stupidity, please, but if the guy had HIV and didn’t tell his partner, then proceeded to have either protected or unprotected sex how is this not reckless endangerment? Why would this conviction cause outrage among LBGTQ advocates when this:

You know what lasts a lot longer than 30 years (unless it kills you first)?

I am confused, we are opposed to him being held liable for intentionally not informing his partners of a lifelong serious disease he infected them with? I didn’t sleep well last night so maybe i’m missing something here, but it sounds to me that he should definitely be punished. Or is this a Chelsea Manning kind of

So if ur “pretty sure” you told ur partner you were HIV positive it makes it ok to have unprotected sex when you KNOW you tested positive? I call bullshit.

Why do you trust the FBI when it comes to their investigations about Russia but decry them when it comes to investigations about Hillary? They conspired to get a Republican elected but they’re not in cahoots with the Russians (who also wanted a Republican elected)? How does that logic work?

1. Yes, there was some fake news out there, made by BOTH sides, and I am willing to believe that more of it targeted Hillary than Trump. I avoid FB and “crowdsourced news” type things like the plague, so I really can’t say from personal experience what the actual fake news resembled. My issue is with the MSM running


For the majority, it’ll be the latter, with a dash of change.org petitioning for flavor.

“Prevent an all-out descent into fascism.”

Angrily tweet about how unhappy you are between pictures of your Starbucks order and your theories on the new season of West World. Duh.