
Imagine being miffed a theme park experience is primarily geared toward kids. 

No it is not. Sports is entertainment. Watching the equivalent of The Grassy Knoll video for 10 minutes 5 times a game while nothing else happens is not entertaining.

Knowing when to concede is probably the 2nd most important skill in magic. The first being how to mulligan properly. If you play 2 hours every day and play out every game even if it is hopeless. You will probably end up wasting 2-3 hours every week which could earn you more wins. Time is money after all.

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study:

Maybe he can donate it. He doesn’t emote anymore so he doesn’t really need it.

It’s a best practice issue. Most user databases work this way and they did something incredibly stupid. It’s like if it’s your first time designing a wheel and you decide to make it square because you somehow didn't know why everyone made them round.

Some of us are stupid and used our real first and last names....

I understand the frustrations of these players but if your main source of income comes from streaming a single game (or if you are a content creator of any sort really) and it’s not on your own platform that you built, you have to expect these kinds of developments. You are at the mercy of the platforms in which you

This is a little preview of what the next few years are going to look like for “Content creators”. Patreon, Twitch, Youtube, they’re all on a bubble and it’s been ready to pop for years

I suppose this is what happens when you try to make a career out of being a glorified fan of a company’s product.

I’m not even sure there is such a thing as a “weird fixation” on musicals.

Anyone else miss the old Yes/No system for just this game? I would have loved to see a NO, or better yet NOPE

i cant wait for this company to go under. I will not miss it one bit. 

Another thing us “millennials” (love how that’s Become a derogatory term) dislike about Harley’s: They’re fucking loud and obnoxious. I get it, I get it. “Gotta be loud so you can hear me coming!” Really? Because I can hear the crotch rocket coming up behind me just fine, and I don’t feel his exhaust note in my ball

Proof that a company can’t survive financially just on cosplay. 

Hey I’d be totally happy with a Windows phone that’s only Metro UI in mobile mode, but when docked is a full fledged Windows OS.

DeepDream is this thing where someone uses facial recognition software, “taught” to detect dogs/people/etc. in images, to work “backwards” from a picture of something else by iteratively changing parts of it so it better fits what the software was “taught” to detect. It’s endlessly thrilling to very dull people, the

I’m from Minnesota. 

I think it’s entirely possible that the changes may not have happened without people posting, ad nauseam, on every Sony blog article.

To be fair, she might have had a microphone yanked away by somebody, but who can say if it was really that guy?