
Someday she’ll be a wrinkly old woman and her tattoos will remind her of when she was young and beautiful. She’ll remember a great game she once loved so much, even if you can no longer recognize it from her skin.

It nearly works because of how there is limited loot in the area. But I think it would have worked better if they cancelled loot entirely in that area. Just gave you some new threads, and you earn a couple weapons through story. As a sandbox it does very little different from the main game, so I think removing even

Ubisoft thought of Vinland as a “pace breaker,” something that would challenge players to survive without their regular gear, while allowing them to discover a brand new region and its native people.

*Sigh* You are an informed adult with real, researched concerns. Therefore, this, the Animal Crossing thing, these are not geared towards you. They’re geared to kid, teens, yoots, young adults who have not thought about politics before, or maybe don’t feel like that stuff outreaches to them. The people who can’t yet

“Meier explains that there is no error in the original Civilization that sends Gandhi off the deep end”

you folks should really scroll up and read my story.

he literally says there was no bug. only one game—civ v—includes a reference to the nuke-heavy behavior, and that was in 2010, two years before the bug theory was even a thing.

Why should I sell a product that has all the same intellectual properties across competing products? Sony can do what they want, and if consumers are so bothered, then they can not purchase their products.

The thing about ‘anti-consumer’ in the context of a discussion about gaming is that people tend to toss it around with the same flippancy and near total lack of understanding as anti-maskers evoking the First Amendment.

I was struggling with this as well. “Voting with my wallet” doesn’t do much when the last Blizzard product I bought was Overwatch at launch, but I can vote with my bandwidth, so to speak. If player population and lootbox sales are low for the Halloween event, maybe that will at least give them pause. 

Be that as it may, you're not getting anything of value from quoting these nutjobs. 


“Gizmodo reached out to LaRouche PAC early Friday”

Last night, spokesperson for Justice Democrats Waleed Shahid responded on Twitter to Claire McCaskill, a former Senator who lost her race in the Midwest, who said that “free stuff from the government does not play well in the Midwest.”

Please, we REALLY need more journalists like you to more vocally point out what the rest of us are thinking.

Do shitty stuff, expect shitty results.”

1) The kid who recently got picked up by ICE was an American citizen. His mother even brought his birth certificate and they insisted it was fake. He spent a month sleeping on a floor in an overcrowded cell with 60 men. The kid lost 20 pounds because these concentration camps aren’t providing basic food or medical

I think a major contributor to the problem is the tendency for the community to write off serious toxic and aggressive or hateful behavior as being a “heel,” as if this were all a scripted wrestling match and the competitors were characters rather than real people. We’ve seen this at every level of competition.

I honestly don’t understand what happened to sportsmanship. You know, like, not being an asshole? It seems totally lost, and yeah, K seems to love promoting the lack of it.

Counterpoint: No, he doesn’t. He’s a genuinely good person who is imperfect, like everyone is, but is actually willing to learn and grow.