The “unabashedly left wing” network employs multiple former Bush administration officials. They have one actual left-ish host on their network, that does not make them a counterweight to Fox.
The “unabashedly left wing” network employs multiple former Bush administration officials. They have one actual left-ish host on their network, that does not make them a counterweight to Fox.
Those guys are to push the car for when it runs out of gas
I have great difficulty understanding how pathetic one must be to go to a football stadium to watch the NFL Draft. This is the equivalent of people in the ‘90s camping out in front of their local Tower Records to be the first to buy the new album by, like, Everclear.
Anyone offended by the idea of US service-members sitting around doing nothing all day has never actually been in the military.
I don't know. Yes, some characters are definitely just bones and the REALLY old ones are dust, BUT this is the north--as in super cold. Cold enough to partially preserve bodies, maybe?
You’re “infuriated” because people like something you don’t?
I can’t help but feel that this is going to be where things are won and lost. Democrats need to control the messaging on this and keep pushing for his taxes. I don’t have a ton of faith they’ll manage to do either, but the way this class has operated since the election in 2018 does give me a tad more faith than the…
I’m starting to feel like we’re getting to a point where nothing is allowed. I mean, the context here, for example. She isn’t making fun of black people in any way. She’s trying to remain true to the character, who happens to be black. It would be one thing if she had done something deliberately offensive, but she’s…
At that point they stop being nice and issue a subpoena, whereupon they risk jail time (and I don’t believe trump can pardon them from a judicial issue, as it’s a separation of powers thing).
You laugh, but Ty Lue checks all the boxes for this organization:
Yeah, that whole part where he made the conscious decision to not take multiple scholarships sort of ruins the heartstrings tugging.
Her parents raised her and Erik Prince. Hard to imagine a more significant legacy of failure at teaching your children basic humanity.
Aside from the abject cruelty, here’s the real kicker to DeVos plan. In her world, private donations would fund these programs. Yet, the tax cut championed by the people of her economic class that was passed, disincentivizes taxpayers from giving charitable donations.
I thought she was heavily involved with private schools in some capacity, thus the stripping of public schools.
Uh, they’re more like bipedal rams, you fucking idiot.