
not one RTS game? Really EA? Beyond disappointed.

Hopefully no psychers crash the party.

fingers-crossed that the Blood Ravens become WH40K canon some day (and their Primarch geneseed progenitor is Magnus the Red)...

No offense, but Avatar & Dragonball Revolution aren’t bad because they didn’t have Asian actors. They were bad the same way Total Rekall & the Robocop reboot are bad: the writers/directors/producers had total disdain for the source material. Look at Edge of Tomorrow or the Clint Eastwood ‘Man with no name’ spaghetti

Hi all. I was wonder what everyone’s most disappointing scene was? For me, it was Starkiller base blowing up. It would be nice to show the audience that The First Order was a step above regular Imperial forces by finding a way to stop the chain reaction. Also, even if the Main Gun was crippled, Starkiller base’s

I was wondering why Clash of Clans didn’t make at least your honorable mentions list. Is it just you didn’t think it made the cut, that you didn’t consider it a strategy game, or just haven’t played it?

is anyone else getting Looper vibes from this storyline?

looks like a prop for a Doctor Who episode.


In Star Wars, Luke’s been on a hunt for Jedi knowledge, using Obi-Wan’s journal to guide him and getting captured by a Hutt who obsessively collects Force-wielder artifacts.

TIE fighters coming out of the dawn/dusk sun reminds me of Apocalypse Now.

I’m hoping that Activision makes a StarCraft version of Clash of Clans.

What movie is this?

I think I remember hearing the lawsuit between the Robotech IP owners & the Battletech/Mechwarrior IP owners has more or less resolved and the main issue to come from it is that Mechwarror/Battletech IP owners shouldn’t use its 1st-gen mech designs, which were based on the Macross/Robotech mechs. If you heard anything

the xenomorphs aren’t Hero Units (e.g., Luke Skywalker, Han Solo), so the stormtroopers will put up a good fight (then get swarmed over).

SSoooooo.... Mary Jane Watson is the new Iron Man?

World War Dino

The main antagonist should be a grown-up Hamid, Rambo’s kid sidekick in Rambo 3.