
I hate when people get personal on the internet about arguments but fuck it, you're an idiot and I wanna complain. On Christmas Eve, my mom was hit by an impaired. The kid was 19 years old, had no insurance, was on the same cocktail of booze, pot, and pills, and had the same level of respect for authority figures as

So basically your argument is that because you drove drunk when you were 19 and there were no real consequences we should extend that experience to the youth of today? This is like when moms don't quit smoking in this day in age and they say "Well, my mom didn't quit smoking while she was pregnant and I turned out

You realize that he was in Miami, yes? And he has a Georgia drivers license. The state where he got his drivers license considers .02 a DUI for anyone under 21. This isn't some huge surprise for him. He went into this knowing that until you're 21, you can't have a drink then drive.

In America, anyone under the drinking age gets a dui for drinking and driving. Thats just how it is. We like to start 'em young with the notion that if you drink you get a cab or you get a sober friend to take you home.

.04 BAC alone? Sure. Yeah. You can drive. But alcohol is amplified by xanax plus the weed. There is def no way that he should have been behind the wheel. Also, do you think a kid like Beiber is taking xanax to just take the edge off? No. He's poppin the entire bar.

I've watched a lot of Friday Night Lights lately. If Scooter Braun and his parents want to fix this, they need to drop him off like 5 miles away from a main road in desert with a map, a compass, a camel back of water, and some power bars. Make him find his way back to civilization. If the fact that someone can drop

I'm having a hard time with the fact that people thought only certain people got boob sweat. I have looked my friends in the eye while sticking my hand down in my cleavage and bitched about boob sweat. This feels like the time I found out that not everyone just leans to the side and wipes their butt after pooping. It

Yeah. On hormonal bcp, I would be into it once the opportunity presented itself. But otherwise? Eh. Project runway is on. I'll be chillin on the couch. And I could orgasm but not a really satisfactory orgasm. But the IUD? Yep. I'm back to what my normal was before bcp. I'm not complaining one bit about it

I would have given you the same don't google it disclaimer he gave me. But all that did was make me google it even faster. I could see why someone would think it was ingrown hairs and it becoming a huge mess down there

I have giant boobs. I get boob sweat. My best friend has little boobs. She gets boob sweat. I didn't think that boob sweat was a fat lady thing. I just thought it was an "I live in the South and God made it so hot to punish us for continually using God as a way to continually keep people down that aren't white dudes

I don't think anything happened to him. He sounds like he was just bored and people didn't expect a lot out him and his future. When you're not exactly worried that your mom is gonna be embarrassed every time she runs into someone at the grocery store it really opens a wide net of what you could do with your life.

Yeah. People dig. It makes sense if you're a pimple popper. Gotta get the offending hair out. Apparently if you throw any of the 3 big acne creams (benzyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or trentonin) on it it'll go away pretty quickly. But the idea of giant pus cores chillin next to my clit scares me. Just the mental image

I have no clue why I thought that guy was Hunter Moore. I have legit had an argument before with someone who wanted me to watch Workaholics. At this point, I'm kinda locked into it though. This is gonna be one of those misunderstandings that I'm gonna have to go to the grave defending even though I'm wrong.

I have no clue why but I thought this dude was Hunter Moore.

My manpanion and I were talking the other day and somehow his gyno rotation in med school came up. He figured it was just gonna be a whole lot of breast exams and pap smears while trying to seem casual and not creepy. NOPE! I mean, he did those things. But he was telling me about all the horror stories that waxing and

I was like a teenage boy. I wanted to rub up on everything like a cat in heat. It was like I was one of the 50's scare tactic PSAs.

Lets talk about the really important stuff. Who is his orthodontist? That guy is amazing

I'm not on it anymore because I pimped my ride and added some copper rims to my uterus. I do have friends still on it. How would they fight that? Do you just tell the pharmacists that nope, thats wrong! or do you have to call insurance to question it

I think some of it is scared of parents finding out. I'm 24 and I've never been pregnant. Any time it came up in conversation with anyone in the baby boomer generation, they'd try and scare me off of getting one. The two most common things they'd tell me was that I'd be infertile because it causes scar tissue and

Its not bad at all. Its uncomfortable as all get out and for the first two months you're going to wonder why the hell you thought it was a good idea to get off birth control because the cramps are gonna be insane and never ending. Then after those two months you're tampon commerical happy your decision to get an iud