Mister Braddock

As a Canadian it really does hit me and make me sad to see my always fucked up but always figures it out big brother to the South just lose it's fucking mind and values that made them lovable in the first place. Trudeau can be criticized in so many ways from his first year (trust me, I voted for him and he's pissing

Uncontrollably happy about this news. This is one of my favourite comedies in the last 10 years. And if this season ends on a high note, it will be one of the most consistent comedies I've ever seen.

Try a little Ritalin. Keep you on fiddlin'.

Well. This made my day better.

Or the horribly unfunny schtick you have been putting on for the better part of a year. You have posts in the thousands and not a one is clever in any kind of way.

No more puzzling to me than your insistence on remaining the most useless commenter I have seen on this site ever. God damn you are consistent.

You are absolutely exhausting.

You shouldn't. He's just a fucking idiot.

I actually kind of admire how you never get tired of sounding like a complete moron around here. Consistency is important.

*get a dude to write a sarcastic comment who can't even spell culture properly*

Fuck he was still so on top of his game. I love him in so much, obviously "The Hit" for me personally being a big one. This sucks.

Look at that. Rock stars are morons. Huh.

Nah. It was a straightforward joke that many didn't get. Also, again, the joke implies he is actually the smart, normal kid, who will lose his mind and shoot his crazy family. The joke actually compliments him in a dark way. Whatever. America.

She wasn't. The implication of the joke is the rest of them are so awful he will eventually snap. Why is everyone missing this.

So sit at home and do nothing and shut the fuck up about it then.

Have you seen this yet? Or any of the other horror movies we have 11 months of? Seems premature.

It's supposed to be dark and funny. So maybe yes?


You seem like an angry individual, would you like a hug? I have some hot cocoa.

Sounds good, go get at er, tiger.