Hamm has shown off the comedic chops more and more and this could be his best comedic turn yet working with a heavyweight like Wright. Great stuff.
Hamm has shown off the comedic chops more and more and this could be his best comedic turn yet working with a heavyweight like Wright. Great stuff.
A 33 million album selling footnote.
Fantastic casting can't wait to see the episode. If he is good enough on it I would hope it can work as a recurring role. He and Andre Braugher are probably going to have hilarious chemistry.
Coen Brothers have a direct line into my wallet. A withdrawal will be made In February, by the looks of it.
Damn, Alasdair. You gave in on the grade. I'm not mad, brother. I'm just disappointed.
John Wick was something I had no expecations for, and now I have too many expectations for 2. Don't let me down.
No one here thinks Star Wars is stupid. Spending half a million dollars on a prop from it is stupid. You read this wrong.
Definitely lost me 2 paragraphs in once she endorsed Rick Astley. How can you hate this song so passionately yet give him a pass? It would be ok if any of this was funny, at least. Oooh Taylor Swifts parents had sex to this! Kardashian sex tape joke! Yikes.
Is this whole thread just gonna be people saying they didn't watch it? Like, do you want a pat on the back? Or a cookie? You guys are so cool man. You resisited a mediocre reboot of a mediocre show from 9 years ago…the willpower! The strength!
There. You win. It only took 12 comments.
That continental breakfast sketch is both hilarious and truly frightening to me. I think he might just pull this off.
I'm fucking ravenous for this already, I can't wait any longer.
That is an incredibly strange story right there. The fuck.
Another great and fun episode, I really love this damn show. As a Canadian I'd be so fucking happy if they got some Canadians together for an episode and did some history. We love to drink.
The same reason I can only downvote it once. It is a cruel world.
Or maybe it's pompous dickheads like you who ruin things by shitting on us all for not seeing all this stuff already. There's nothing wrong with wanting to read a review of something to see if its worth seeing while also not wanting the main fucking twist ruined. If the reviewer can't describe a film without giving…
He has sex with her, but can only finish in her hand.
Until Stevenson dies in episode 7 or 8. Then, it becomes a brutal slog of a half season. Hannah and her father? Yeah, no. To say it's even half a good season pushes it.
Stevensons great character was the show's death rattle. After that, it was a truly lifeless rotting piece of shit.