Mr. Blonde

Oo, now do the Sterling Bullet.

As obscure as they were, it still managed to eke its way into at least one song:

Wündertruck”? All I see is Blundertruck.

Take me to court, bud. I look forward to your testimony in front of the court. I’m going to want the jury to hear my daughter testify and see the photos of her injury, she’s absolutely got the guts for it. I am, however, unclear at which point you will get charged with child neglect.

Maggie Mull, with sympathy on the loss of her father Martin.

We can’t write about cars anymore because of woke.

I don’t have any problems with Doug. I’ve met him a few times, he’s a nice guy.

Did George Russell’s father buy an F3 team for him to race in and make sure there were illegal parts on his spec chassis?

Now playing

I saw this video a couple weeks ago lol.   All about Stroll.

The footage of the orange plume that emerged on social media was so shocking that the country’s government banned local residents from continuing to record the recovery process

That sucks and all, but Toxic Rocket Drop sounds like a really sick skate trick.

It got sold a few days ago. I was actually just coming to comment here that this is officially the last place people can leave comments on what is left of the dead horse that was the gawker family.

Off topic, but did Gizmodo just now get spun off from gawker?

Remind me again who is mandating anyone drives an EV...oh yeah, no one. The only mandates on the book are for the selling of new ICE vehicles to end in the 2030's. That doesn’t mandate you buy one, only that you can’t buy a new ICE vehicle after that time period. You’re free to keep buying old and inefficient

The dead dinosaur industry gets trillions in subsidies. If we removed subsidies from both gas and electric cars, the electrics would win instantly, both because they’d be cheaper, and they are the superior technology.

Maybe you should look into just how much the fossil fuel industry receives in subsidies each and every year.

Switching sides to the side that finds him ridiculous and racist? Switching sides to the side that has no interest in his xenophobia? Switching sides to the side that doesn’t live and breathe to validate his every inane pronouncement?

When Tesla refuses to give him $50B ?

How long are we thinking it will be before Elon publicly announces that he is switching sides?

Hey, nothing says “let the free market decide” like the government quashing the competition!