
I absolutely agree that for what it is it's a pretty neat little device.

I agree that it's ridiculous that shows like Person of Interest aren't available on services like Netflix, but unfortunately the content holders are under no obligation to put what they own on the services you want (allow people who learn about the show to get caught up? Ludicrous!). But why not try checking out your

Your argument for justifying piracy would be valid... IF the series was completely unavailable through any source. However, that is far from the case:

on your kindle fire

The realization of what Fraa Jad could do was one of my favorite book moments of all time.

Strong Belwas streak field then eat liver and onions.

Why don't these people have their own reality show?

Jeez, Pris, we all thought you were gonna end up an old maid.

She stole her great-great-great grandmother's standing in the family as being the oldest to become a mom (at 18).

There went my coffee........!

Having friends that are willing to help is always great, but we're adults - don't rely on your friends to come to the rescue. Be 100% willing to pay to move if your friends aren't 100% willing without coercing them with beer.

Agreed. I'm even of the thought that asking your friends to help you move is kinda rude. It's way too much work to ask someone to do, but your friends are stuck and mostly can't say no.

Have you not heard?

Seriously. Gawker Media should have a tablet app similar to Huffington Posts. All Gawker sites accessible through the app. Ads can stay, comments can be accessed. I'd probably only use that and email on my tablet.

Yeah, I was severely disappointed when I learned that rates had been locked since my undergrad.

I don't know about that. They're cool in theory, but the few times I've been there it's been filled with hipsters and non-geeks. I apologize for using the term hipster, but it applies here.

I just picked up a Sansa Clip+ refurbished from Woot for 20 bucks. I could use my phone, sure, but I wanted something small and portable for the gym, and I didn't wanna use my precious battery on music. It's lovely, I didn't realize how much I missed real buttons.

What?! What?! YES!

This is easily to do. Document the time required by working on vacation and submit it as billable hours. I've done this several times now when it was decided that they "Absolutely had to reach me and bother me". I recorded my phone call, rounded to the nearest hour and submitted it. Check your local and state

The Sphinx gate was a pivotal moment for me, not just because it was pretty tense, but also, because it had nipples. Sweet, sweet, Sphinx nipples.