
What you do mean? 8 year olds love existential crisis! Also that part where the heroes horse DIES FROM SADNESS? That's a great thing to put into a kid's head!

"heavy for a little kid"? Yeeks, I still find the concept of an encroaching "nothing" terrifying.

Good call.

You pawned a Hanzo sword?

I am finished doing what I swore an oath to God 28 years ago to never do again. I've created, "something that kills people." And in that purpose, I was a success. I've done this because, philosophically, I am sympathetic to your aim. I can tell you with no ego, this is my finest sword. If on your journey, you should

Sore wa hontōni Hattori Hanzō no kendatta...

If you didn't post, I was gonna. That jumpsuit art is so wrong when you know about this.

Oh. My. God.

Done and done. Last night I was looking to log into the Yahoo Sports app (formerly Sportacular) and had to reactivate a dormant account. Since the account was active I went ahead and checked out the new Flickr too.

Oh, don't worry. Things start to go really, really wrong for her quite soon as reality starts to bleed back in.

that show ruined my ability to speak in "good society" during the time i watched it. I was super close to spilling out vulgarities every time my lips parted lol.

Swegen. Wu. COCKSUCKA.

Fuckin' THIS!

Plus this show taught us all a new sweeping technique.

I disagree but you have my vote for best comment of the day.

I agree. Fringe is the only thing Abrams has done that I've really liked. I imagine it's because it had some good writers who took his basic idea and built something substantial.

Yeah, I have it on Sprint and the network here is probably equally as bad. Same situation, theoretically getting LTE...sometime.

What's the best DD-WRT compatible router on a budget? I'm looking for 1 or 2 USB ports, 802.11N (the faster the better), and Gigabit Ethernet.

You could get away with cancelling and signing under your spouse's name, even though you were in the same house? I should try that. I think cable/internet is outrageous through Cox, and it's in my husband's name. I'd love to get to introductory price if I could get it in my name, instead.