
AMC and FX are basic cable too.

Republicans only took control of the NC legislature in 2010, riding the tea-party wave, so it wouldn’t be unreasonable for the Dems to regain a majority in a big anti-GOP year (thank you Trump!). Unfortunately the redistributing that occurred post-2010 will make it difficult.

Oh, give them time to fuck it up more, they’ve only had majorities in the state senate & house for 5 years. Before that there was balance in the state legislature, and NC was actually a reasonably progressive place for a southern state.

The King of slow cookers:

Moderate gut upgrade? I dunno, the camera in the 5s is pretty bad. That plus the processor bump of the 6s make it seem like a reasonable upgrade for those who want to keep the 4" form factor.

“But Marvel has shown in Avengers 1 and 2 that they can pull the balancing act off.”

1) Buy “Coach’s Oats” from Costco. Way better than rolled oats and they cook much much quicker than true steel cut

Now playing

Prime numbers? A pattern? I think we all know where this is going.

Last time I bought banana’s they were $0.59/lb. So $2 would get you about 3.4 lbs of bananas, which could be about 8 if they weighed 6-7 oz each.

This. And get rid of the damn audiences. The candidates just play for applause lines on the debates, let’s remove that crutch and make them speak in more than 30 second sound bites crafted to get the crowd riled up.

I’ve found a lot of my friends in NYC don’t start work until 9am (and then often work late), it seems to be part of the business culture there.

Soap is totally fine to use on seasoned cast iron. The seasoning isn’t just a layer of oil/fat sitting on the surface of the pan, it’s actually been polymerized and bonded with the iron. Normal modern dish soap isn’t stripping that away. Unless you have food seriously caked on, a steel scrubber probably isn't

Soap is totally fine to use on seasoned cast iron. The seasoning isn’t just a layer of oil/fat sitting on the

In terms of uniform recommendations, all the organizations where that doctor should be getting her info from are very clear that every child should be getting it. The AAP strongly advocates for pediatricians to recommend the HPV vaccine for all kids (male and female):

Oh yes, I’ve spent far too many days in Skyrim, great stuff. I might be tempted to get a PS 4 when the next Elder Scrolls game comes out.

This. Bought a cheap ps3 a few years ago (hadn’t gamed much in the previous 10 yrs) and I’m playing through a nice backlog of great games. Currently in the middle of the Mass Effect trilogy. Benefit of playing last-gen games is I can get them all used for super cheap on eBay!

I’ll readily admit I still use Yahoo mail. I’ve had the address for 15+ years and don’t want to give it up. I also have a Gmail address, that I use for work ... I know there are ways to use Gmail for work/personal but honestly I like just keeping them separate. The main downside of yahoo is that I’m missing the nice

So let’s say they delay and/or reject any nominee(s) that Obama puts forward and run out the clock. And then the GOP candidate wins the election (shudder). And further let’s assume R’s still have less than 60 Senate seats (they could actually lose some this cycle). What’s to stop Democrats from saying fuck it, we’re

Hypothetical general election polls are pretty useless at this point. The GOP hasn’t thrown much at Bernie other than half hearted “socialist” insults. If he were to get the nominee, they’d tear into him full force, and those #’s would go down. Not saying he couldn’t win, but his general election favorably is probably

I have the version of the Cuisinart without the grinder, and while the carafe does keep in heat well, the machine itself just doesn’t brew very hot ... so no matter good the carafe is, the coffee can only stay as hot as it started. Maybe I got a dud ... but IMO it doesn’t brew a better cup of coffee than a Mr. Coffee

I have the version of the Cuisinart without the grinder, and while the carafe does keep in heat well, the machine
