
I’ve been using the fingerprint sensor for a couple days now (on the 5X) and have zero complaints, I haven’t noticed any mis-reads, etc.

When it comes time to clean the dirt and fast food detritus from the floor of your car, you can either use your own car vacuum and do it in your driveway, or search in the couch cushions for quarters and drive to the nearest carwash to use theirs.

When it comes time to clean the dirt and fast food detritus from the floor of your car, you can either use your own

That’s what we do - put (almost) all of our expenses on credit cards, and get rewards. By doing that (combined with large credit card signup bonuses and various points promotions) I’ve barely paid anything for air travel the last 2 years.

I’d still qualify the 5X as decent hardware, just not top of the line. For avg use, which I consider my own usage to fall under, the hardware should be more than enough. My 2 yr old original Moto X had avg. hardware at the time of its release, and it still holds up decently today. I get a new phone every 18-24 months,

Moto X is quite a bit bigger than the 5X though (5.7” vs 5.2”). As someone coming from a 2013 Moto X, I really don’t want to get a phone >5.5” if I can help it, and the 5X fits that bill nicely.

Roskam starts right off the bat being a huge asshole, keeps stopping to ask Clinton if she needs time to read her notes. Clinton: “I can do more than one thing at a time.”

Well now I’m going down the IMDB rabbit hole. And apparently Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles featured Jere Burns and Jonathan Banks. That is a solid supporting cast right there.

Get a Shuffle or Sansa Clip or something for cheap, you can clip them to your waistband and forget about them.

Apple Watch is useless as a stand-alone running watch. As everyone has pointed out, it requires you to lug your iPhone along for the run. No deal.

Today (Tuesday) I bought tickets for a Saturday 12/19 showing (mid-day), in a theater with reserved seating, and there were only a handful of seats left, all in the first 3 rows.

I wish the Costco near me has booze. Colorado is weird, there is one in Denver that has it, but no others can (same for the Trader Joe’s in state).

WL Weller, Four Roses, Bulleit, Buffalo Trace, Elijah Craig, to name a few that are usually $20-25.

There’s plenty of legitimately good bourbon in the $30-$50 range, which isn’t much more than shitty sub-$20 bourbon. Heck, my daily drinkers are typically less than $30 and definitely do not need any doctoring to make them palatable.

Especially for day hikes, I suspect a lot of folks would benefit from trail runners as opposed full-on hiking boots. Much lighter and more responsive, which is a big plus for long uphills. I guess some people really like/need ankle support, but I’ve never missed it, even on long hikes w/ lots of loose rock.

Yea, this is wrong. Wash your mushrooms. No way I’m spending 20 minutes individually wiping off mushrooms with a paper towel.

They only show up on the lock screen, and don’t ever require wifi to be on. Most of the time they’re just ads for books. For me it was worth saving $20, since I typically am never looking at the lock screen except for a couple seconds when I pick the Kindle up before turning it on. Figure $20 is a few books, so why

They only show up on the lock screen, and don’t ever require wifi to be on. Most of the time they’re just ads for

Toaster oven salmon is the easiest. Marinade, broil, done.

Brooks Purecadence 3.

Brooks Purecadence 3.

Yes. 2001 is timeless. ~50 yrs old and it still looks better on blu-ray than the majority of modern sci-fi movies.

Now playing

Sunshine’s score makes up for any negatives from the space-monster plot. One of my favorite movie sountracks.