
Three words: Four in Hand

Nah, double windsor is too much material. The excess makes it the knot of old republicans and football analysts with tree-trunk necks

My wife is a pediatrician, and she says that alternative vaccine schedules typically would add at least another office visit. You have a sample size of 1. I’m going to go with her word over yours, since you know, it’s her job to know that sort of thing.

Yes but if you spread out vaccines further than the normal schedule, they go even more. And each extra visit = more potential exposure to sick kids.

Guess you missed her last paragraph?

I mean, libertarians are right about like 4 issues. And they’re assholes about the rest.

Spreading out the vaccines means the child is vulnerable to the diseases for a longer period of time. What possible reason would there be to take on that risk, when we know definitively that the recommended schedule poses no harm to the child?

The thing is Carson does know how vaccines work, or at least did at one point ... Any MD that graduated from an accredited medical school and passed the multitude of exams that come with it knows exactly how vaccines work.

My spouse has a medical degree, and is a pediatrician, and totally agreed with this article when I showed it to her. She regularly convinces under/mis-informed parents that the CDC recommended vaccination schedule is in fact best for their child’s health.

I’d guess no, since it’s produced by BBC America and a Canadian company.

People are mocking you because your ‘facts’ are manipulated misleading propaganda. So, the opposite of facts. Yea no shit Planned Parenthood doesn’t do mammograms ... no one EVER said they did except those trying to stir up the defund PP crowd. For breast cancer prevention what they do is screenings, and will refer

Yea that map is misleading bullshit. Nice try though.

Winona was great in ‘Show Me a Hero’ ... it was a low-key roll for the most part, but perhaps could be the start of the Winona-sance?

“In the past year, Malia, 17, has toured schools like Stanford, Yale and Harvard but has yet to make her college decision public.”

If you just want photoelectric in certain rooms, I highly recommend the First Alert Atom - it’s tiny and unobtrusive!

Watch out, we’ve got a humble-bragger over here!

Oh, it won’t get built if Doc Octopus has anything to say about it.

Seriously, for most folks reading gizmodo I’d be surprised if routers cause that much headache. Every 3-5 years when it’s time to upgrade to the latest router tech, I do a little homework, figure out a reliable router that is reasonably priced, set it up, and rarely have trouble or have to mess with it after that. I

American cheese is the best cheese for cheeseburgers. It has the perfect melty texture and salt level. No shame in having it in your fridge.

Yup my wife is currently pregnant and just about to the point to where she is going to straight up murder the next person who comments about her belly. It’s amazing how people think they’re exempt from adhering to basic social decorum when conversing with a pregnant person.